Compiled from the following sources:

Special biographic research
Wen Wei Publishing Company, Ltd. 2002-2006

Who's Who, Current Chinese Leaders
Wen Wei Publishing Company, Ltd. 2003-2005

Revision History:

Biography Revised: 2/26/2007
Career Data Updated: 3/22/2007

PHOTO: Wang Yiming
Wang Yiming 王一鸣
Vice-Chairman of the Law Committee of the NPC
Born: 1939

Biography Highlight

Wang Yiming, male, Hui ethnic group, is a native of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang province. He was born in 1939 and graduated from Fudan University. He served as vice-president of the Beijing University of Technology until 1992 and he was a member of the Bejing municipal committee of the CPPCC until 2003. He was elected vice-chairman of the law committee of the NPC in 2003.

Recent Career Data

2003— Vice-Chairman, 10th Law Committee of the NPC
1992—2003 Member, CPPCC, Municipal Committee Beijing Municipality
1966—1992 Associate Professor, Beijing University of Technology Beijing Municipality
1966—1992 Lecturer, Beijing University of Technology Beijing Municipality
1966—1992 Professor, Beijing University of Technology Beijing Municipality
1966—1992 Dean, Beijing University of Technology Beijing Municipality
1966—1992 Vice-President, Beijing University of Technology Beijing Municipality
1957—1960 Graduate Student, Fudan University, Physics Department Shanghai Municipality