Compiled from the following sources:

Special biographic research
Wen Wei Publishing Company, Ltd. 2002-2006

Who's Who, Current Chinese Leaders
Wen Wei Publishing Company, Ltd. 2003-2005

Revision History:

Biography Revised: 6/30/2003
Career Data Updated: 3/26/2006

PHOTO: Xie Songkai
Xie Songkai 谢宋凯
Standing Committee Member of the 9th NPC
Born: 1938


Xie Songkai, male, Han nationality, is a native of Shanyin, Zhejiang Province. He was born in 1938, graduated from Beijing University in 1960, and joined the China Democratic League in 1983. He holds the title of professor.

Xie Songkai spent the early part of his career as an educator at both Zhongshan University in Guangzhou and Foshan University in Guangdong. Xie joined the China Democratic League in 1983 and became the chairman of the China Democratic League Guangdong Provincial Committee in 1984. In 1988, 1992, and again in 1997, he was vice-chairman of the 6th, 7th, and 8th China Democratic League Central Committees. Xie was a member of the standing committees of the 8th and 9th NPCs. He is the co-author of works on terpene chemistry and modern organic synthesis.

Xie is a member of the standing committee of the 9th NPC.

Career Data

1998— Member, 9th Standing Committee of the NPC
1997—2002 Vice-Chairman, 8th China Democratic League, Central Committee
1993— Member, 8th Standing Committee of the NPC
1992—1997 Vice-Chairman, 7th China Democratic League, Central Committee
1987—1992 Vice-Chairman, 6th China Democratic League, Central Committee
1960 Graduate, Beijing University, Chemistry Department Beijing Municipality