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Hao Yichun     Honorary Vice-Chairman of the 10th Central Committee of Jiu San Society, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
????Director, Beijing Institute of Geology, Teaching and Research Section of MicropaleontologyBeijing Municipality
????Deputy Director, Beijing Institute of Geology, Teaching and Research Section of MicropaleontologyBeijing Municipality
1952—????Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Geology, Teaching and Research Section of MicropaleontologyBeijing Municipality
Wen Jiabao     Former Member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee; Former Premier of the State Council
1965—1968Student, Beijing Institute of GeologyBeijing Municipality
1960—1965Student, Beijing Institute of Geology, No. 1 Department of Geology and Minerals
Zhang Wenyue     Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee, Deputy Director of the Environment and Resources Protection Committee of the 11th NPC
1967Graduate, Beijing Institute of Geology, Geology DepartmentBeijing Municipality
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