7 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Cao Yong     Macromolecule Chemist, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
1987Graduate, University of TokyoJapan, Tokyo
Huang Ronghui     Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Expert on Meteorology
1983Graduate, University of TokyoJapan, Tokyo
Li Jianbao     President of Qinghai University
????Graduate, University of TokyoJapan, Tokyo
Yao Jiannian     Member of the 11th NPC Standing Committee; Member of the 11th NPC Credentials Committee; Member of the 11th NPC Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee; Deputy Director, State Natural Sciences Foundation
1990—1993Student, University of Tokyo, Industrial Science DepartmentJapan, Tokyo
1987—1990Student, University of Tokyo, Industrial Science DepartmentJapan, Tokyo
Zhang Changping     Vice-Governor of Fujian Province
1989—1990Researcher, University of TokyoJapan, Tokyo
Zhang Jie     Alternate Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee; President of Shanghai Communications University
1999—1999Visiting Professor, University of TokyoJapan, Tokyo
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