5 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Cao Yong     Macromolecule Chemist, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
1965Graduate, St. Petersburg State University, Chemistry DepartmentRussia, St. Petersburg
Chen Hanfu     Expert on Automatic Control Theory
1967Graduate, St. Petersburg State University, Mathematics and Mechanics DepartmentRussia, St. Petersburg
Hao Shui     Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
1959Graduate, St. Petersburg State UniversityRussia, St. Petersburg
Li Zhijian     Microelectronics Technical Expert
1958Graduate, St. Petersburg State UniversityRussia, St. Petersburg
Zhai Zhonghe     Cell Biologist
1956Graduate, St. Petersburg State UniversityRussia, St. Petersburg
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