5 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Haj Iliyas Shen Xiaxi     President of the China Institute of Islamic Theology, Standing Committee Member of the 9th CPPCC National Committee
????Acting Director, Provincial Geology BureauGansu Province
????Deputy Director, Provincial Geology BureauGansu Province
Shou Jiahua     Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Land and Resources, Senior Economic Administrator
1965—1973Researcher, Provincial Geology BureauYunnan Province
Xu Yunzhao     Vice-Governor of Hunan Province, Member of the 17th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
1994—1995Director, Provincial Geology Bureau, General OfficeHubei Province
1992—1994Deputy Director, Provincial Geology Bureau, General OfficeHubei Province
1984—1992Deputy Director, Provincial Geology Bureau, Political DepartmentHubei Province
1984—1992Director, Provincial Geology Bureau, Political DepartmentHubei Province
1983—1984General Secretary, Provincial Geology Bureau, No. 1 Mineral Prospecting TeamHubei Province
1982—1983Deputy General Secretary, Provincial Geology Bureau, No. 1 Mineral Prospecting TeamHubei Province
1977—1980Secretary, Provincial Geology Bureau, No. 1 Mineral Prospecting TeamHubei Province
1968—1977Technician, Provincial Geology Bureau, No. 1 Mineral Prospecting TeamHubei Province
1968—1977Technician, Provincial Geology Bureau, No.5 Mineral Prospecting TeamHubei Province
Zhang Wenyue     Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee, Deputy Director of the Environment and Resources Protection Committee of the 11th NPC
1981—1983Technician Head, Provincial Geology Bureau, No.1 Geology Group, No.1 BranchSichuan Province
1969—1980Worker, Provincial Geology Bureau, No.1 Geology GroupSichuan Province
1969—1980Section Chief, Provincial Geology Bureau, No.1 Geology Group, Geology SectionSichuan Province
Zheng Lizhong     Alternate Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee, Former Vice-Minister of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
1974—1977Staff Member, Provincial Geology BureauFujian Province
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