9 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Chen Yong     Assistant Chief of the PLA General Staff
1977—1978Chief-of-Staff, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military DistrictHubei Province, Wuhan City
Huang Changyuan     Vice-President of the CPPCC Xinjiang Autonomous Regional Committee
????Deputy Team Chief, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military DistrictHubei Province, Wuhan City
Li Yongtai     Member of the 9th NPC Standing Committee, Deputy Commander of the PLA Air Force
????Commander, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military District
????Deputy Commander, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military District
Tao Bojun     Commander of the PLA Guangzhou Military Area Command
1983—????Director, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military District
1976—1977Chief, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military District
Yang Deqing     Member of the 16th CPC Central Committee, Political Commissar of the Chengdu Military Region
1982—1983Political Commissar, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military District
1977—1982Deputy Political Commissar, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military District
1974—1977Staff Member, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military District
1973—1977Member, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military District
Yue Xicui     Deputy Chief of Staff, Political Department of the Guangzhou Military Region, Alternate Member of the 16th CPC Central Committee
1983—1987Company Commander, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military District
Zhang Chunxian     Member of the 19th CPC Central Committee
1970—1975Soldier, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military District
Zhang Wannian     Former Member of the 15th CPC Politburo
1982—1987Deputy Commander, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military District
Zhao Keming     Member of the 16th CPC Central Committee
????Deputy Head, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military DistrictHubei Province, Wuhan City
????Squad Leader, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military DistrictHubei Province, Wuhan City
????Staff Member, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military DistrictHubei Province, Wuhan City
1964—1967Secretary of Battalion, PLA, Regions, Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan Military DistrictHubei Province, Wuhan City
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