4 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Chen Bingcong     Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
1983—1987Vice-President, Jilin Industrial UniversityJilin Province, Jilin City
1955—1983Professor, Jilin Industrial University, Tractor DepartmentJilin Province, Jilin City
1955—1983Dean, Jilin Industrial University, Tractor DepartmentJilin Province, Jilin City
Chen Huanyou     Chairman of Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress
1959—1965Lecturer, Jilin Industrial University, Engineering Economics DepartmentJilin Province
1959—1965Secretary, Jilin Industrial University, Engineering Economics Department, Teaching OfficeJilin Province
1959—1965Deputy Secretary, Jilin Industrial University, Engineering Economics DepartmentJilin Province
Chen Yujie     Former Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council
1960—1965Student, Jilin Industrial UniversityJilin Province
Yu Zhen     Vice-Minister of the State Economic and Trade Commission
1956—1960Student, Jilin Industrial University, Agricultural Engineering DepartmentJilin Province
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