2 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Ke Zunping     Alternate Member of the 18th CPC Central Committee; Vice-Governor of Sichuan Province; Deputy Secretary of the Sichuan CPC Provincial Committee
1999—2000Secretary, Southwest China Communications UniversitySichuan Province
1995—1999Vice-President, Southwest China Communications UniversitySichuan Province
1993—1995Secretary, Southwest China Communications University, Computer and Communications DepartmentSichuan Province
1987—1993Secretary, Southwest China Communications UniversitySichuan Province
1987—1993Director, Southwest China Communications UniversitySichuan Province
1982—1987Secretary, Southwest China Communications University, Physics DepartmentSichuan Province
1982—1987Assistant, Southwest China Communications University, Basic DepartmentSichuan Province
1982—1987Secretary, Southwest China Communications University, Mathematics Mechanics DepartmentSichuan Province
1978—1982Student, Southwest China Communications University, Physics DepartmentSichuan Province
Shen Zhiyun     Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Motorcycle Expert
????Professor, Southwest China Communications UniversitySichuan Province
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