5 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Chen Bingcong     Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
1948Graduate, University of Illinois, Aviation DepartmentUSA, Illinois, Chicago
Chen Jiayong     Chemical Engineering Expert, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
1951Graduate, University of IllinoisUSA, Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Gao Hong     Academician
1947Graduate, University of IllinoisUSA, Illinois, Chicago
Pang Lijuan     Member of the 11th NPC Standing Committee; Member of the 11th NPC Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee; Chairman of the China National Committee of the World Organization for Early Childhood Education
1986Graduate, University of IllinoisUSA, Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Yi Gang     Alternate Member of the 19th CPC Central Committee; Governor of the People's Bank of China
1982—1986Student, University of Illinois, Economics DepartmentUSA, Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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