18 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Deng Nan     Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee, Vice-Chairman and First Secretary, China Association for Science and Technology
????Member, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Guo Xiuyi     Honorary Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party
????Member, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Hao Jianxiu     Vice-Chairman, 10th CPPCC National Committee
1978—????Vice-Chairman, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Hao Yichun     Honorary Vice-Chairman of the 10th Central Committee of Jiu San Society, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
1988—1998Vice-Chairman, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
He Luli     Vice Chairman, 10th NPC Standing Committee
1993—????Vice-President, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Lin Liyun     Vice-Chairman of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese
1978—1991Vice-Chairman, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Liu Hairong     Vice-President of the 8th Executive Committee, and a member of the Secretariat, of the All-China Women's Federation
1993—Vice-Chairman, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Liu Liying     Deputy Secretary of the 15th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
????Member, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Mahinur Kasim     Member of the 9th NPC Standing Committee
????Vice-Chairman, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Mo Wenxiu     Secretary of the 8th Session Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation
????Member, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Peng Peiyun     Honorary President, All-China Women's Federation
1998—2003President, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Qian Yi     Professor, Tsinghua University
1993—????Member, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Shou Jiahua     Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Land and Resources, Senior Economic Administrator
????Member, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Wang Jirong     Deputy Director-General of the State Environmental Protection Administration
????Member, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Wen Haiying     Vice-Governor of Anhui Province
????Member, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Yang Yanyin     Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee; Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese Committee
1990—1993Vice-Chairman, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Zhang Guoying     Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress
1983—1990Vice-Chairman, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
Zhao Shi     Deputy Director-General of the State Administrative Bureau of Radio, Film and Television
1993—????Member, All-China Women's Federation, Executive Committee
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