Compiled from the following sources:

Special biographic research
Wen Wei Publishing Company, Ltd. 2002-2006

Who's Who, Current Chinese Leaders
Wen Wei Publishing Company, Ltd. 2003-2005

Revision History:

Biography Revised: 3/30/2004
Career Data Updated: 3/26/2006

PHOTO: Qi Yingcheng
Qi Yingcheng
Vice-Chairman of the 9th CPPCC Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Committee
Born: 1942


Qi Yingcheng, male, Mongolian nationality, is a native of Jungar Banner, Inner Mongolia. He was born in 1942, and received higher education. Qi is a member of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomingtang. Qi has served successive terms as the vice-chairman of the standing committee of the Hohhot City People's Congress. He was elected vice-chairman of the 9th CPPCC Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Committee in 2003.

Qi Yingcheng was a delegate to the 9th NPC.