5 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Dalielihan Mamir     Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Xinjiang Autonomous Regional People's Congress
1965—1970Student, Beijing Chemical Engineering Institute, Chemistry DepartmentBeijing Municipality
He Baoxiang     Vice-Governor of Hunan Province
1978—1982Student, Beijing Chemical Engineering InstituteBeijing Municipality
He Guoqiang     Member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee, Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the 17th CPC Central Committee
1961—1966Student, Beijing Chemical Engineering Institute, Inorganic Chemistry DepartmentBeijing Municipality
Peng Peiyun     Honorary President, All-China Women's Federation
1977—1978Deputy Director, Beijing Chemical Engineering InstituteBeijing Municipality
Zhou Xiaochuan     Former Governor of the People's Bank of China
1975Graduate, Beijing Chemical Engineering InstituteBeijing Municipality
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