4 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Chi Wanchun     Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee, Political Commissar of the PLA General Armaments Department
1965—1970Student, Harbin Engineering University, Military Project InstituteHeilongjiang Province, Harbin City
Liu Shiquan     Alternate Member of the 19th CPC Central Committee
1978—1982Student, Harbin Engineering UniversityHeilongjiang Province, Harbin City
Liu Zhigang     President of Harbin Engineering University
2004—President, Harbin Engineering UniversityHeilongjiang Province, Harbin City
1999—2004Secretary, Harbin Engineering UniversityHeilongjiang Province, Harbin City
1997—1999Vice-President, Harbin Engineering UniversityHeilongjiang Province, Harbin City
1995—1997Dean, Harbin Engineering University, Dynamic Engineering DepartmentHeilongjiang Province, Harbin City
Su Shulin     Deputy Secretary of the Fujian CPC Provincial Committee
1999Graduate, Harbin Engineering UniversityHeilongjiang Province, Harbin City
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