4 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Li Qianyuan     Member of the 16th CPC Central Committee, Commander of the Lanzhou Military Region
1971—1976Chief of Staff, PLA, Services and Arms, Army (or Ground Force), Headquarters
Liang Guanglie     Former Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee, Former Member of the 17th CPC Central Military Commission, Former Minister of the Ministry of National Defense
1970—1979Deputy Director, PLA, Services and Arms, Army (or Ground Force), Headquarters
1964—1970Campaign Staff Member, PLA, Services and Arms, Army (or Ground Force), Headquarters
Pei Huailiang     President of the University of National Defense
1978—1980Section Chief, PLA, Services and Arms, Army (or Ground Force), Headquarters
Zhang Zhijian     General, Vice Chairman of NPC Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs
1979—1980Deputy Chief of Staff, PLA, Services and Arms, Army (or Ground Force), Headquarters
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