8 biographies with career data for this institution. Click the person's name for full information.
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Chen Xi     Member of the Secretariat of the 19th CPC Central Committee; Head, Organization Department, Central Committee
1992—1993Deputy Secretary, CPC, Party CommitteeBeijing, Haidian District
1979—1982Student, Tsinghua University, Chemical Engineering DepartmentBeijing, Haidian District
1979—1979Student, Tsinghua University, Chemical Engineering DepartmentBeijing, Haidian District
Li Binhua     Vice-President, Olympic Games Organizing Committee
????Graduate, Tsinghua University, Chemical Engineering DepartmentBeijing Municipality
Liu Yandong     Member of the Politboro of the 18th CPC Central Committee; Vice-Premier of the State Council; Deputy Director of the Leading Group for Culture System Reform and Development
1964—1970Student, Tsinghua University, Chemical Engineering DepartmentBeijing Municipality
Liu Zhizhong     Chairman of the CPPCC Chongqing Municipal Committee
1967Graduate, Tsinghua University, Chemical Engineering DepartmentBeijing Municipality
Ren Baodong     Vice-President of the Beijing Zehua Chemical Engineering Company Limited
1994—1998Student, Tsinghua University, Chemical Engineering DepartmentBeijing Municipality
Teng Teng     Member of the Standing Committee of the 9th NPC
1960—1965Deputy Director, Tsinghua University, Chemical Engineering DepartmentBeijing Municipality
1951Graduate, Tsinghua University, Chemical Engineering DepartmentBeijing Municipality
Wang Weicheng     Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress
????Assistant, Tsinghua University, Chemical Engineering DepartmentBeijing Municipality
Xi Jinping     President of China; General Secretary of the 19th CPC Central Committee; Member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the 19th CPC Central Committee; Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission; Chairman of the PRC Central Military Commission
1975—1979Student, Tsinghua University, Chemical Engineering DepartmentBeijing Municipality
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